Build a custom trailer to fit your needs!Design Your TrailerPlease enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form. - Step 1 of 3TrailerWhat kind of food are you going to cook? *Where are you currently cooking?How soon are you lookin’ to get cookin’?NextEquipmentIntegrated Fire Suppression? *This is a fire suppression system that is integrated into the range hood.YesNoFlat-top GriddleNone24"36"48"Deep FryerNone(1) 2 Basket Deep Fryer(2) 2 Basket Deep Fryers(3) 2 Basket Deep FryersSteam WellNone(1) Steam Well(2) Steam Wells(3) Steam Wells(4) Steam Wells(5) Steam Wells(6) Steam WellsRange Hood *-Please Select-YesNoCharbroilerNone24"36"48"RangeNone2-Burner Countertop Range4-Burner Countertop Range4-Burner Range with Oven6-Burner Range with OvenWarming CabinetNoneHalf-Size Warming CabinetFull-Size Warming CabinetRefrigeration (Check all that apply)NoneReach-in RefrigeratorReach-in FreezerRefrigerated Sandwich Prep TableUnder-Counter RefrigeratorUnder-Counter FreezerWorktop RefrigeratorWorktop FreezerChef Base RefrigeratorChest FreezerGlass Front Refrigerator (Merchandiser)Generator Box *-Please Select-YesNoAdditional InfoPreviousNextGeneral InformationBudget *-Please Select-Below $30,000 (without cooking equipment)$30,000-$35,000$35,000-$45,000$45,000-$55,000$55,000-$65,000$65,000 +When do you hope to have the trailer in your possession?Name *FirstLastEmail *ZipcodePhone Number ** indicates a required field. If you have an issue submitting the form, please review you've completed all required fields.PreviousSubmit